If you have a paid account you can upgrade or downgrade your account at any time. Just select "Change Plan" in the Account section after selecting the gear icon at the top right-hand corner.
If Upgrading to a Higher Paid Plan:
Just select the plan you desire. If upgrading you will be charged a pro-rated amount for the balance of the current month.
Upgrading from a Monthly Plan to an Annual Plan:
Upgrading from a monthly plan to an annual plan works the same way. Just select the Annual button to see all the plans and then press "Select" to change the plan.
Please note when upgrading from a monthly plan to an annual plan your monthly plan will be canceled and your annual plan will be billed. The plan will be good for a year from the date you select the new plan.
If Downgrading to a Lower Paid Plan:
Choose the Downgrade button for the plan you desire. Grayed-out plans are not selectable due to you exceeding specific quotas for that plan. If this is the case you will need to delete properties, cameras, and/or photos before this plan is available to choose from.
When you change plans your card will be charged a pro-rated amount for the balance of the current month. In the case of a downgrade, your account will be credited.
If we can be of help, please don't hesitate to contact us. See the green chat window at the bottom right of this page.